Thursday, April 16, 2020

*Corona updates from PMC *16.04.2020Time - 7. 00 P.M.

*Corona updates from PMC *
Time -  7. 00 P.M.

Case summary
* Total admissions  2988
* Negative _ 2530
* Negative Discharge - 2530
* COV positive cured & discharged - 29 ( Naidu 25 , Sahyadri Nagar Road hospital - 1 and Bharati Hospital - 1, K.E.M - 1 and DMH - 1 )
* Admit but stable - 311
* Critical - 7
* PositiveProgressive in 
* pmc - 339
* 15th day sample sent- 0
* Inconclusive Sample  0
* Total passengers 4799

* Under surveillance passengers  - 2242

* Surveillance completion (14days of incubation period consider) - 2988

* Still in Hospital Positive patients - 311

1) Naidu -     90
2. Symbiosis Center - 98
3. Bopodi - 12
4. Laygude - 6
5. Sana's - 10
5) SH - karve - 02
6) K.E.M - 14
7) Jehangir - 04
8) Poona Hospital - 05
9) DMH - 7
10.Sahyadri Hadapsar - 1
11 Ruby Hall - 6
12. Inlanks Budarani - 2
13. Noble - 1
14. Bharati - 52

**Sassoon Hospital**
a) Positive progressive - 103
* Up Till Now,
  Total Death Progressive=
    Sassoon  38 + 1 Aundh civil  + 1 DMH  + 1 Naidu +2 Noble + 1 Inamdar + 1 Jehangir + 1 Sahyadri Karve   = 46*
* up till now Total progressive positive = pmc  339+ 103 Sasoon =  442*

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